Virtual Museum Page, Austria: comprehensive listing
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien: the Old Masters Collection, iincludes several other museums
Albertina: prints, including D?rer
Austrian National Library: music instruments, armor, globes, and esperanto museums
MAK - ?sterreichisches Museum f?r angewandte Kunst
Schloss Belvedere: Klimt and 20th-century art
Schloss Sch?nbrunn
Palais Liechtenstein Museum
Vienna Film Museum
Wien Museum: Museum of the City of VIenna, and Satiillites, including art and artifacts from all eras
MuseumsQuartier Wien: includes Leopold Museum (Klimt and Schiele collections), Kunsthalle (experimental art), MUMOK Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien; see also Wikipedia on the MQ
- Hundertwasserhaus: The Building and Information
Kunst Haus Wien Museum Hundertwasser
Theatermuseum ?sterreichs
J?disches Museum Wien
Naturhistorisches Museum Wien
Funeral Museum Vienna
Verh?tungsmuseum Wien
Neue Galerie, New York
Theaters and MusicAll theaters have online ordering through the theaters; just to the west of the Opera, the state theaters have an extensive ticket office for pickups or sales (not just at the Abendkasse).
The equivalent of Ticketmaster in Vienna is Vienna Classic, which brokers tickets for most major Vienna Events and has a comprehensive events calendar in all categories.
OtherSome of Vienna's other notable attractions: