Austrian Writers Confront the Past, 1945-2000
An International Conference
at the University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania April 12-14, 2002

Chair: Frank Trommler
Coordinator: Joseph Moser

Co-sponsored by the Center for Austrian Studies at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, the conference is organized by the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures at the University of Pennsylvania. Generous funding from both institutions as well as from the Max Kade Foundation, New York, has made the event possible.

General Information

Friday, April 12
Saturday, April 13
Sunday, April 14

General Information

Conference location: All meetings will be held at the University City Sheraton Hotel at 36th and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, PA 19104, Tel. 215-387-8000. The hotel is on the campus of the University of Pennsylvania.

Registration: The Conference Registration Desk is located at the University City Sheraton Hotel, Lower Level.

Registration fees: 3 days - $60, Students - $30; 1 day - $20, Students - $10. Credit Cards accepted (Mastercard, Visa, American Express). Checks made payable to The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania.

Directions from the Airport: SEPTA's R1 Airport Train leaves the airport every half hour and goes to 30th Street Station. A twelve minute walk to the hotel. The trip takes 25 minutes, the fare is $5.50.

Lady Liberty Transportation Service provides transportation between the Philadelphia International Airport and the hotel at a charge of $8.00 per person each way. Transportation is provided at the baggage claim area of each terminal at zone 8. Individual reservations may be made by calling 215-724-8888.

Taxi fare from the Airport to anywhere on campus is a flat fee of $20 and takes approximately 20 minutes.

Parking: Parking is available at the Hotel parking garage at $15 per day. A large parking lot is adjacent to the hotel on 34th and Chestnut at $10 per day.

Public Transportation: The University City Sheraton Hotel is accessible by public transportation from Center City Philadelphia. Take the Market-Frankford Subway and exit at 34th Street, or take trolley 11, 13, 34, or 36 to 36th Street.

Directions to the Hotel: See map and directions at the inside cover.

Meals: Registration deadline for the Banquet Dinner on Friday, April 12, is Tuesday, April 9. Attendees will not be able to register for the banquet after April 9 or at the door.

Restaurants: An excellent map of all area restaurants and shops is provided in the conference folder. ("Shopping and Dining on the Penn Campus")

Maps: A map of Center City Philadelphia with points of interest listed is contained in the Visitor's Guide to Philadelphia. It contains maps of Center City Philadelphia, of major highways, and points of interest in Southeastern Pennsylvania.

Program (last updated 20 February)

Friday, April 12, 2002

8:30 am Registration

9-9:30 am Welcome
Frank Trommler, Conference Chair, University of Pennsylvania

Walter Licht, Associate Dean, University of Pennsylvania

9:30-11:00 am

Panel 1 Center

Historical Perspectives

Moderator: Frank Trommler, University of Pennsylvania

"Confronting the Past - Reclaiming the Past: The History and Future of Austrian National Identity"
Steven Beller, Washington

"Jews and Other Victims: The 'Jewish Question' and Discourses of Victimhood in Early Postwar Austria"
Richard Mitten, Trinity College, Hartford

Panel 2 University

Emigrants Look at Austria

Moderator: Joseph McVeigh, Smith College

"Why Friedrich Torberg's Forum did not Confront the Past"
Sigurd P. Scheichl, Universität Innsbruck

"Friedrich Torberg's Politics of Emigration"
Scott Denham, Davidson College

"Political Emigrants from Vienna and Their Loyalty to the German language: Erwin Chargaff and Elias Canetti"
Ingrid Hudabiunigg, Technische Universität Chemnitz

"'Zu den Feinden zählt ohne Zögern sie nicht' oder die Thematisierung der Feindesliebe: Erich Frieds Auseinandersetzung mit dem Nationalsozialismus im Roman Ein Soldat und ein Mädchen"
Jörg Thunecke, Westdeutsche Akademie für Kommunikation, Köln

Panel 3 Chestnut


Moderator: Michael Burri, University of Pennsylvania


"Geschichte der Gemeinheit: Drei Generationen der Auseinandersetzung mit dem österreichischen Faschismus (Werfel, Aichinger, Köhlmeier)"
Thomas Rothschild, Universität Stuttgart

"Schreiben wider Habsburg und Holocaust: Albert Drachs Grosses Protokoll gegen Zwetschkenbaum"
Clemens Ruthner, University of Antwerp

"Echoes from Red Vienna: Marie Frischauf's Novel Der Graue Mann"
Andrew Barker, University of Edinburgh

"'Unsere Berge sind Berge von Toten:' Tourism and 'Vergangenheitsbewältigung' in the Works of Hans Lebert"
Nikhil Sathe, Ohio State University

11-11:15 Coffee Break

11:15-1 pm

Panel 4 Chestnut

National Socialism in Retrospective

Moderator: Jennifer Michaels, Grinnell College

"Work Details: The Literary Legacy of Forced Labor in Austria"
Michael Burri, University of Pennsylvania

"Interpreting Propaganda: Antifascist Scholarship in Psychoanalysis, Art History, and Film Studies"
Louis Rose, Otterbein College

"'Who is without guilt?' Comments on Fritz Hochwälders Play Holokaust"
U. Henry Gerlach, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

"The Poetics of Memory: Austrian Women Writers and National Socialism"
Maria-Regina Kecht, Rice University

Panel 5 Center

Perspectives on Jewish-Austrian Writers

Moderator: Liliane Weissberg, University of Pennsylvania

"Confronting the Jewish Past in Vienna Today"
Abigail Gillman, Boston University

"Wien bleibt Wien? Austrian Jewish Witers Reflect on the Austrian Past"
Hillary Herzog, DePauw University

"The Jew as Conscience in Post-1945 Austria"
Amy Blau, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

"The History of Hell: Robert Menasse's Die Vertreibung aus der Hölle and the Austrian Condition"
Amir Eshel, Stanford University

Panel 6 University

Doderer and Lernet-Holenia

Moderator: Wendelin Schmidt-Dengler, Universität Wien

"Shaping the Novel as History: Heimito von Doderer's Methods of Historiography in Die Strudlhofstiege and Die Dämonen"
Vincent Kling, La Salle University

"Denn Dichten heisst-das Unwesentliche weglassen": Guilt and Austrian Reinvention in Alexander Lernet-Holenia's 1955 novel Der Graf Luna"
Robert von Dassanowsky, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs

"Violence, Resistance, and Love in Alexander Lernet-Holenia's Novel Mars im Widder"
Kerstin Behnke, Northwestern University

1-2:30 Lunch Break

2:30-4:15 p.m.

Panel 7 Chestnut

Drama and Theater

Moderator: Geoffrey C. Howes, Bowling Green State University

"The Present of the Past: A serious Farce"
Herbert Herzmann, University College Dublin

"Mutters Courage: or Taboris Latest Holocaust Chutzpah"
David Brenner, Kent State University

"'In der 'Kindervilla' des europäischen Gewissens:' Die Auslöschung von Thomas Bernhard im Theater Krystian Lupas"
Anna Milanowski, Wien

"The Politicization of Drama in Modern Austria" Margarete Lamb-Faffelberger, Lafayette College

Panel 8 Center

The Postwar Generation

Moderator: Friedbert Aspetsberger, Universität Klagenfurt

"Jahrgang 1925"
Wendelin Schmidt-Dengler, Universität Wien

"Coincidences: Writing and History in Ilse Aichinger"
Patrick Greaney, University of Colorado at Boulder

"Von den 'Würgemalen' der Geschichte: Franz Kain, Hans Lebert und die 'Mühlviertler Hasenjagd' in der österreichischen Nachkriegsliteratur"
Marion Hussong, Rutgers University, Camden

Panel 9 University

Repräsentation des Holocaust

Moderator: Thomas Eder, Wien

"Mimesis - Dargestellter Holocaust: Das Verhältnis von Holocaust und Repräsentation in der 'nachschrift' Heimrad Bäckers"
Thomas Eder, Wien

"Nazis, Sex, Lüge: Albert Drachs literarische Selbstjustiz"
Bernhard Fetz, Literaturarchiv Österreichische Nationalbibliothek

"Ðberleben. Ein Kinderspiel: Ilse Aichingers Die gröþere Hoffnung"
Klaus Kastberger, Literaturarchiv Österreichische Nationalbibliothek

"'niemand bespricht unsern Staub:' Paul Celans Strategien des Scheiterns"
Daniela Strigl, Wien

4:15-5:15 Roundtable Discussion, University
"Repräsention des Holocaust bei Autoren der 'zweiten Generation'"
mit Thomas Eder, Bernhard Fetz, Klaus Kastberger und Daniela Strigl

6:30-7:30 Reception, Cash Bar, Center

7:30-10 pm Banquet Dinner, Palmaire.
At 8:45 pm Keynote Address: Egon Schwarz, Washington University, St. Louis, "Eine ganz normale Nation"

Saturday, April 13, 2002

9-10:45 am

Panel 10 Chestnut

Ingeborg Bachmann

Moderator: Dagmar C.G. Lorenz, University of Illinois at Chicago

"Confronting the Past Within: Ingeborg Bachmann's Critique of Fascism"
Peter U. Beicken, University of Maryland

"'Rauch und Wahn:' Ingeborg Bachmanns Auseinandersetzung mit dem Faschismus in Unter Mördern und Irren"
Frank Pillipp, Georgia Institute of Technology

"The Double Murder of Malina: Bachmann's Novel as Cinematic Psychogramm"
Ingeborg Majer-O'Sickey, SUNY Binghamton

"Witness as Victim: Shoah and Feminism in Ingeborg Bachmann's Malina"
Julia Matveev, Hebrew University Jerusalem

Panel 11 University

Austrian Heimat: Nostalgia, Mourning, and Loss

Moderator: Brigitte Prutti, University of Washington

"Storytelling and Mourning in Ilse Aichinger's Novel Die gröþere Hoffnung"
Brigitte Prutti, University of Washington

"Nostalgia and Aestheticism in Robert Menasse's Selige Zeiten, brüchige Welt"
Heidi Schlipphacke, Old Dominion University

"Demythologizing Austrian Heimat: Marlene Streeruwitz's Lisa's Liebe"
Imke Meyer, Bryn Mawr College

"The Past as Present as Future: Marlene Streeruwitz and Her Novel Nachwelt"
Nele Hempel, University of Memphis

Panel 12 Center

Elfriede Jelinek

Moderator: Catriona MacLeod, University of Pennsylvania

"'Die Österreicher als Herren der Toten:' Aspekte des Darstellbarkeitsproblems bei Jelinek und Bachmann"
Esther V. Schneider-Handschin, University of Birmingham, UK

"'Die fesche alte Niedertracht:' Faschismuskritik in den Texten von Elfriede Jelinek"
Alexandra Heberger, University of Manitoba

"Reawakening Austria's (Un)Dead: Elfriede Jelinek's Die Kinder der Toten"
Ian W. Wilson, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

"'Es ist, als liefe das Bellaria-Kino Amok:' Elfriede Jelineks Burgtheater: Posse mit Gesang"
Beate Hochholdinger-Reiterer, Universität Wien

10:45-11 am Coffee Break

11-12:45 pm

Panel 13 Center

Peter Handke and Gert Jonke

Moderator: Horst Daemmrich, University of Pennsylvania

"'Die Nacht spottet der Beschreibung:' Schrift/Gedächtnis bei Peter Handke"
Hans Höller, Universität Salzburg

"Thukydides und die österreichische Zeitgeschichte: Handke als Historiograph" Bernhard Doppler, Universität Paderborn

"Zum Verhältnis von Kunst, Geschichte und Politik im Erzählwerk Gert Jonkes"
Ulrich Schoenherr, Haverford College

"Memory is Murder: Violence and the Reconstructed Past in Postwar Austrian Literature"
Neil Christian Pages, SUNY Binghamton

Panel 14 Chestnut

Literary Border Landscapes

Moderator: Monika Shafi, University of Delaware


"'Wir sind alle Meister der Einschläferung unseres Gewissens'-György Sebestyens Roman Die Werke der Einsamkeit"
Robert Weigel, Auburn University

"Confronting and Contextualizing the 'Third Reich' Era within Gerhard Roth's Cycle Archive des Schweigens'"
Pamela Saur, Lamar University

"'Der Wortlaut der Erinnerung:' Coming to Terms with the Past in Christoph Ransmayr's Novel The Dog King (Morbus Kitahara)"
Markus O. Spitz, Exeter University

"Ransmayr's Possible Histories"
Samuel Willcocks, University of Pennsylvania

Panel 15 University

Assessing Second Generation Jewish and non-Jewish Austrian Writers

Moderator: Christina Guenther, Bowling Green State University

"Josef Haslinger's Das Vaterspiel: The Game is Still Afoot"
Nancy Erickson, Bemidji State University

"Remembering the Holocaust: The Politics of Postmodern Characterization in Doron Rabinovici's Papirnik and Suche nach M"
Christina Guenther, Bowling Green State University

"'Was einmal wirklich war, bleibt ewig möglich:' Echoes of History in Robert Menasse's Die Vertreibung aus der Hölle"
Margy Gerber, Bowling Green State University

"The Necessity and Impossibility of Biography in Marlene Streeruwitz' Nachwelt and Robert Menasse's Die Vertreibung aus der Hölle"
Felix Tweraser, Utah State University

12:45-2 pm Lunch Break

2-4 pm

Panel 16 Chestnut

Reflections on the Media

Moderator: Simon Richter, University of Pennsylvania

"'…das wird das einzige sein, was der Hörer kapiert:' Austria's 'Radiofamilie' Confronts the Past" Joseph McVeigh, Smith College

"Zweimal Vergangenheitsbewältigung: Franz Werfel's Novelle Eine blaþblaue Frauenschrift und ihre Verfilmung durch Axel Corti"
Helmut F. Pfanner, Vanderbilt University

"Narrator George Tabori: My Mother's Courage - Story, Play, Film"
Birgit Tautz, Lawrence University

"Der 'kleine Mann' und die Nazizeit: Der Bockerer (Preses/Becher 1946), Der Herr Karl (Qualtinger/Merz) und wieder Der Bockerer (Antel 1981)"
Winfried R. Garscha, Dokumentationsarchiv des österreichischen Widerstandes, Wien

Panel 17 University

Lilian Faschinger and Anna Mitgutsch

Moderator: Margarete Lamb-Faffelberger, Lafayette College

"Portraits in Sepia: Lilian Faschinger's Wiener Passion and Peter Henisch's Schwarzer Peter"
Anne C. Ulmer, Carleton College

"History Lessons? On Anna Mitgutsch's Recent Novels"
Monika Shafi, University of Delaware

"Memory and Invention in Anna Mitgutsch's Züchtigung, Abschied von Jerusalem, and Haus der Kindheit"
Kristin Teuchtmann, University of Minnesota

"Writing (of/on) the Body in Pain: The Impossibility and Necessity of Testifying to a Personal Past of Trauma in Anna Mitgutsch's Die Züchtigung"
Anne Rothe, University of California, Los Angeles

Panel 18 Center

Elisabeth Reichart

Moderator: Linda DeMeritt, Allegheny College

"'Auch Schweigen kann Verrat sein:' The Confrontation with the Nazi Past in Elisabeth Reichart's Works"
Jennifer Michaels, Grinnell College

"Activating Memory: Elisabeth Reichart's Komm über den See"
Linda DeMeritt, Allegheny College

"Murderous Memories: Political Atrocity and Personal Narrative in Elisabeth Reichart's Februarschatten"
Elizabeth Snyder Hook, University of North Carolina at Asheville

"(En)Countering Silence: Writing History in Elisabeth Reichart's Februarschatten, Komm über den See and Nachtmär"
Kirsten Krick-Aigner, Wofford College

"Memory works: A Dramatic Performance of an Interview with Author Elisabeth Reichart"
Gisela Roethke, Dickinson College

4-6 pm Screening of Der Bockerer, Chestnut

4:30-6 pm "Alma Mahler and Franz Werfel" Reception with display of select materials from Penn's Mahler-Werfel Collection at Van Pelt Library, Rosenwald Gallery, Sixth Floor.

8 pm Lilian Faschinger: Reading from her work, Center

8:45 pm Elisabeth Reichart: Reading from her work, Center

Sunday, April 14, 2002

9-10:45 am

Panel 19 Center

Developments since 1986

Moderator: Joseph Moser, University of Pennsylvania

"Politik als literarischer Katalysator? Zu den Formen literarischer Vergangenheitsdarstellungen vor und nach dem österreichischen 'Bedenkjahr'"
Maximilian Aue, Emory University

"Öffentlicher Diskurs zwischen Vergangenheitsbewältigung und Erinnerungspolitik"
Benjamin Taubald, Universität Wien

"Anti-Fascism in the 21st Century? Austrian Intellectuals Fighting for a Civil Society"
Dagmar C.G. Lorenz, University of Illinois at Chicago

"Remembering from the Margins: 'Vergangenheitsbewältigung' and Marginality in Josef Haslinger's Das Vaterspiel"
Carl Niekerk, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Panel 20 Chestnut

Thomas Bernhard

Moderator: Amir Eshel, Stanford University

"'Fetzen von Merkwürdigkeiten, die man nicht mehr verstehe:' Memory and the Boundaries of Identity in Thomas Bernhard's Frost"
Timothy B. Malchow, University of Minnesota

"Excavating the Repressed Past in Thomas Bernhard's Auslöschung and Gerhard Roth's Archive des Schweigens"
Rebecca S. Thomas, Wake Forest University

"Der Heldenplatz: Geschichte und Fiktion"
Patricia Sanda, Ohio State University

Panel 21 University

Poetics of Challenging the Past

Moderator: Jacqueline Vansant, University of Michigan, Dearborn

"Assaying the Austrian Second Republic: Literary Essays as Political Commentary"
Geoffrey C. Howes, Bowling Green University

"Marie-ThÈrËse Kerschbaumers Hörspiel Die Zigeunerin: Das sozialkritische Potential eines totgeglaubten Genres"
Helga Schreckenberger, University of Vermont

"Robert Menasses politisch-ästhetische Essayistik, mit einem Blick auf die Romane"
Friedbert Aspetsberger, Universität Klagenfurt

10:45-11 am Coffee Break

11-12:45 pm

Panel 22 University

Current Assessments

Moderator: Scott Denham, Davidson College

"The Impact of Literature on Social Taboos and Political Policies: The Relationship Between Literature and Politics in Austria after 1945"
Elisabeth Steindl, University of Nottingham

"Stages of Mourning: Toward a Typology of Austrian Literature, 1945-2001"
Jennifer Marshall, Centre College

"Remembering is Remembering is (not) Remembering? The Resistance against Empty Rituals in Hotschnig's Ludwigs Zimmer and Kofler's Tanzcafe Treblinka"
Jens Nicklas, University of Notre Dame

"What's the Holocaust got to do with it? Toward a New Trend in Austrian Youth Literature"
Monika Maslowska, University of Notre Dame

Panel 23 Center

Angst in Thomas Bernhard's Oeuvre

Moderator: Gregor Thuswaldner, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

"'Ich fürchte mich nicht mehr:' Palinodic Ethics in Thomas Bernhard's Poems"
Olaf Berwald, University of Tennessee

"Fear's Fecundity: The Productive Moment of Angst in Thomas Bernhard's Ein Kind"
Fatima Naqvi, Rutgers University

"Angst als politische Kategorie in Bernhards NS-Dramen"
Peter Höyng, University of Tennessee

Panel 24 Chestnut

Ökonomische Zwänge, literarische Konstanten

Moderator: Wolfgang Straub, Wien

"Zwischen ökonomischen Zwängen, gegenwärtiger Vergangenheit und tödlichen Alpen: Die 'Buchmessenromane' von Menasse, Jelinek und Ransmayr"
Wolfgang Straub, Wien

"Bürokratische Konstanten in der literarischen Vergangenheitsbewältigung"
Sabine Zelger, Wien

"Auf-schrei-ben wider das Schweigen: Kein Platz für Helden in Bernhards Dramen"
Stefan Krammer, Wien